Shreyas Kharbanda

I am a first-year Ph.D. student at Cornell University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Rachit Agarwal. I am broadly interested in systems and networking.

Previously, I completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Purdue University. During my time there, I had the privilege to collaborate with Prof. Pedro Fonseca on enhancing the reliability and performance of cloud-based systems.


  1. EuroSys ’24
    Pronghorn: Effective Checkpoint Orchestration for Serverless Hot-Starts.
    Sumer Kohli*, Shreyas Kharbanda*, Rodrigo Bruno, Joao Carreira, and Pedro Fonseca
    In Proceedings of the 19th USENIX European Conference on Computer Systems, Athens, Greece, 2024.
  2. SESAME ’23
    Always-On Recording Framework for Serverless Computations: Opportunities and Challenges
    Shreyas Kharbanda, and Pedro Fonseca
    In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on SErverless Systems, Applications and MEthodologies, Rome, Italy, 2023.
(* denotes equal contribution)

Recent Updates

Sep 2023 Pronghorn accepted at EuroSys ‘24.
Aug 2023 Started at Cornell University.
May 2023 Graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from Purdue University.
Apr 2023 Starting in August, I will begin my Ph.D. at Cornell University under the guidance of Prof. Rachit Agarwal! I am deeply grateful to everyone who has supported me on this journey.
Apr 2023 Short paper accepted at SESAME ‘23.
Feb 2023 Gave a talk titled ‘Breaking into Research’ at Purdue’s Junior Resources Seminar (CS 391).
Dec 2022 Extremely grateful to have been awarded an Honorable Mention for the 2023 North American CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award. [Article, Media]